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Anger Management Institute

Anger Management Resources, Counseling, Training and Curriculum
The Anger Management Institute Certification Course qualifies participants to obtain the National Anger Management Association Credential (extra fee) — Certified Anger Management Specialist I or II. Requirements needed include online course and phone supervision.

1.Online Trainer-Specialist Certification Course (pay for phone supervision later)

$199 plus shipping

2. Online Trainer-Specialist Certification Course plus 2 hours phone supervision (discounted) and shipping. $450.00 plus shipping includes: access to the online course, what’s good about anger fourth edition book, two free combination book/workbooks for adults and teens. Once finished, participants qualify for membership and certification with the National Anger Management Association. Extra fee required at that time.

$450 plus shipping

Or use this QR code to purchase the Anger Management Institute Online Certification Course and Phone Supervision: $450 plus shipping
(Use your camera, then, click on the PayPal link.) 

3. 52-Week Book/Workbook for Individuals and Clients. 
$50 plus shipping:




4. Counseling (Zoom, Office, phone) Session, $120/hour with Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V for Illinois residents only.



5. Anger Management Institute Trainer-Specialist Webinar/Workshops: Nov. 7 and 14, 2020, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. CT. Discounted: $425.00 plus shipping.

$425 plus shipping

Or use the QR code below to pay for the Anger Management Institute Training Webinars
$425.00 plus shipping

6. Anger Management Specialist Training DVD Home-study with phone supervision, $500 plus shipping

$500 plus shipping


7. AMI Starter Kit plus shipping, $450 plus $25 shipping. Includes Ten Steps to Starting an Anger Management Business, 12- Expanded 16 Week/Lesson combination Book/workbooks for groups or individuals, instructions for connecting with courts and employers, assessments, inventories;  leader’s guide, DVD and power point tools for groups

$450 plus shipping

8. (1) Expanded Adult 16 lesson book/workbook, $25 plus $15 shipping

Or purchase 2 What’s Good About Anger? Expanded 16 Lesson-Week Book/Workbooks for a discount with the QR code:

Use this QR code to purchase two books for a 33% discount with shipping for: $50.00

9. (1) What’s Good About Anger? Teen book/workbook (16 lessons), $25 plus $15 shipping. Includes teen scenarios, how to manage anger, aggression, hostility, bullying, conflict and more!


$25 plus shipping


New Kid’s Anger Management 14 lesson book/workbook for 6-10 year olds! “What’s Good About Anger? Includes color content and images, projects and application questions and activities designed for learning to control anger. The Fourth edition adult book will be mailed to purchaser along with one Kid’s Workbook. Covers all the strategies to help children learn how to express anger in healthy ways! $50 plus shipping:

$50 plus shipping

It is recommended that a parent, counselor or teacher work with younger children in teaching the principles and skills in the book and workbook. 


$25 plus shipping.


New Book for couples struggling with anger, conflict and resentment: Helping Couples to Repair, Restore, & Revitalize Their Relationships– a 16 lesson book by Seigel Bartley, PhD, LPC-S, CAMS-V; and Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V.
This expanded couple’s book and workbook explore the emotion of anger and how anger can be put to work for good. Includes practical skills,  discussion questions for couples, an emphasis on Releasing Anger and Hostility through heartfelt forgiveness and the best anger management strategies for real relationship change! $25 plus shipping!


Book/workbook for teens, parents and teachers:

What’s Good About Anger? Helping Teens Manage Their Anger: In the Home, School & Community. A 17-lesson learning resource for teens, parents and teachers by Seigel Bartley, PhD, LPC-S, CAMS-V and Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V! 

$25 plus shipping.



Spanish Edition of What’s Good About Anger? ¿QUÉ HAY DE BUENO EN LA IRA? Libro y cuaderno ampliado acerca del manejo de la ira.

La mayoría de la gente cree que la ira es una emoción negativa de la cual nada bueno puede proceder. Mucha gente piensa que la ira no debe expresarse y que tales sentimientos son malos. Este libro de trabajo explora la ira como emoción y cómo el enojarse—lo cual es parte de la experiencia humana—puede utilizarse para el bien.

$25 plus shipping.


Visit the Anger Management Institute shopping mall for all of our resources! Many workbooks and books are “buy one – get one free!”

New Resources for Couples, Individuals, Leaders and Others:

Healing the Wounds of Anger in Marriage Leader’s curriculum!

Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V & Steve Yescheck, LCSW, CAMS-IV co-presented Healing the Wounds of Anger in Marriage workshop to 270 participants at the AACC conference in Opryland on Sept. 25, 2015! Order the Healing the Wounds of Anger in Marriage group curriculum here.

Purchase the book on the mall!

Or order the Couple’s Anger Management Online Course.

Continuing Education Courses Online: provides NBCC CE clock hours: Provider #6577 and NAMA CEUs: Provider #102.
Cognitive restructuring, stress management, assessment and referral, teen anger management issues, ethics, coaching and more!

Anger Management Evaluations: Do you need an anger management evaluation for court or for an employer? We offer office (Chicagoland area), phone and online evaluations by nationally certified anger management specialists. Contact Lynette Hoy, President of the Anger Institute at: 708.341.5438. You can order the Evaluation online in our shopping mall


What’s Good About Anger? Putting Your Anger to Work for Good, Fourth edition, now available as an ebook on Amazon for Kindle or at Barnes and Noble for Nook! Purchase the Fourth edition print version!

Take the online anger management course and receive your Certificate of Completion in just 3 days! Start now! You can preview the online course now and read the Foreword

Go here to read the comments.

We offer evidence-based Anger Management curriculum, workshops & resources for counselors, social workers, leaders, pastors, coaches, law enforcement officers, chaplains, educators, health professionals, managers & many other leaders!



Contact the Anger Management Institute at: 630-368-1880
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